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Is Manifestation Real?

For The Exclusive,

By Poonam CN

I wasn’t really someone who believed in manifestations, I thought it was strange

how people claim to have manifested things in their life. I always thought that what

is meant for you will be yours, but never did I think we could “manifest” whatever

we want into existence.

But first, lets take a moment to step back and define manifestation. Essentially,

manifestation is the process of attaining something real into your life through

attraction and belief; in other words, it's the idea that whatever you believe, you'll


By using your ideas, actions and beliefs, you may make any feeling or experience you desire a reality.

You can accomplish this by visualization, saying your intentions out, writing it on a paper, prayer, meditation, or a vision board.

Practice mindfulness and gratitude,

while you might not get everything you desire

in the time and order you want, you should accept and appreciate what you do get,

no matter how big or small it may be. There are a lot more changes to incorporate

including changing your energy and mindset, but anything can be manifested from

money and materialistic things to love and other relationships.

Now where do I stand on all of this? After seeing everyone manifest their dream

lives on social media, from influencers to many celebrities, it’s always been

something that intrigued me.

From people manifesting phones to cars and houses to even their careers, it truly is outlandish. I’ve read a lot about manifest

ations in books too. Like ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ by Vex King talks about his journey of manifesting and how his life took a 360 ever since he started believing he could change his fate. Having witnessed so many manifestations come to pass, I made the decision to try it for myself. This year, while I designed mood boards for some of my short- and long-term goals, I personally had a lot of first-hand experiences

with manifestations.

Making it my desktop wallpaper facilitated it to become ingrained in my subconscious every time I opened my computer, allowing me to manifest 4 of the 5 goals I set for my most recent mood board.

I therefore wholeheartedly trust in manifestations.

Despite being an extremely powerful tool, manifesting is not a magic cure. Though

there isn't any proof in science that ma

nifestation causes dreams to come into being

automatically, certain studies indicate that having a positive attitude has similar

positive outcomes. In accordance with one study, envisioning a potential outcome

will help you develop a better strategy for making it happen.

The concept of growth mindset says that individuals who believe their talents can

grow tend to achieve more than those who don’t. It occurs because you're in the

right place, you're open to it, you want it, and it aligns with your perception of who

you are.

Hence, whether you decide to think that you can change your life by

manifesting or not really depends on what you personally believe. If you’re

someone who is feeling stuck some

where or realizes your true potential but doesn't

know what to do about it, I would suggest trying to manifest it.

There are many manifestation techniques on social media, so if they overwhelm

you, start with something easy like creating an online mood board with a few

images of the future you want or simply just thinking about your goals for this

month. I believe there is no harm in trying if all it takes is the belief that you can

successfully accomplish anything you set your mind to. But there are a lot of

variables at play here.

Changing your perspective, being optimistic, and genuinely believing that you will succeed are the most important things.

Also keep in mind that it is a process of constantly hoping and wishing for these things to come true and you may not achieve everything you manifest at that specific time frame. Don’t lose hope during these moments, you just have to believe and it will happen!


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