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The Essential Mandate: Educated Politician

For The Exclusive,

Proma Ajoy Shil


Before I begin, I want to make two things clear to those who might find this offensive: firstly, if you are sensitive to the truth, avoid reading this post; and secondly, my intention is to highlight how vital, knowledge is to the proper functioning of anything- especially a country. While several countries have competent, educated, and honest politicians leading them, as a medical student, I can tell you that it’s not fair to assume that most countries have a few decent, functioning politicians.

Ever heard the saying, “A silver-tongued charlatan and a half-wit society are made for each other!” In the world of politics, this often leads to disastrous outcomes when such pairings occur in elections.

Recently, a respected politician in India made a crude statement in the State Assembly, suggesting that “an educated woman helps in birth control” by restraining her husband during intercourse. Such remarks raise questions about the caliber of politicians governing our nations.

It’s disheartening that to run a government or nation, politicians often lack the attributes needed to guide and serve effectively. Unlike professions such as medicine, engineering, or law, politics doesn’t demand a rigorous educational background or adherence to a defined career path.

Politicians often ascend by joining a political group or party at a young age, or in some cases, it’s part of their bloodline to run a country.

No laws in any country prevent uneducated citizens from becoming politicians. Moreover, political knowledge and expertise aren’t primary reasons why voters support a politician. Charisma, strong communication, manipulative skills, sugar-coated speeches, and social media campaigns are often used to win over voters.

While these attributes are necessary to present a country effectively, they should be additional skills rather than the main ones. In my opinion, the primary skill of a politician should be the ability to make smart, wise, and educated political decisions positively shaping people’s lives.

The world lacks educated politicians, and by education, I don’t mean just a degree. A university degree is merely another piece of paper if not used to help people. Education generally raises intelligence and cognitive abilities, though it might not guarantee profound political decisions.

By education, I mean political ethics, etiquette, the ability to understand and communicate effectively, wisdom, and the skill to comprehend the impact of decisions on a broader scale.

Was the minister, who advocated for women to be educated to help decrease the population, educated enough to grasp that it’s not solely a woman’s responsibility to control the population? Are there educated politicians around the world, and are they sufficiently enlightened to comprehend the anguish of their public? Do they recognize how their ignorant and toxic decisions impact millions of lives in the countries they are intentionally destroying? Despite possessing significant influence to aid the Palestinians, Yemenis, Iranians, Ukrainians, etc. (and more), are they harnessing it? Do they have the education necessary to distinguish between the suffering and the one causing it? No. If the government has learned that war is not the solution and that killing innocent children, women, and men, and bombing hospitals is not the path to a better future, where is the better future when they are on the road to annihilating the children who would’ve been the future?

The government spends a substantial amount of money from taxpayers' pockets to pay politicians; this money could be used to attract capable leaders. Is it safe to let them experiment with their uneducated, ignorant skills affecting people's well-being for five years? Every election cycle, politicians repeat paraphrased statements about helping people, yet the results remain negative, highlighting their lack of education.

Believing that education will instantly make a politician proficient or drive them toward public interest might be a naive concept. Could a certain degree of education be a sensible requirement?

The debate on the educational background of political leaders and candidates persists. As of now, political leaders can hold minimal certification optionally. This raises the question of whether politicians with higher education make better leaders or can implement policies improving educational outcomes.

Do they make better leaders?

1) Greater self-assurance as leaders due to their ability to learn politics and their history, as knowledge is power.

2) Anticipated to be more logical since education fosters logical thought, leading to more effective leadership.

Do they produce higher learning outcomes?

1) They are conscious of the value of education, and with the best intentions, better results can be expected.

2) A politician with education will be better informed, approaching education with greater attention.

Politicians should equip themselves with knowledge to formulate policies. While not expected to be subject matter experts, having some education is essential.

Morality or intelligence isn't synonymous with education; politicians need character and dedication. A strong, well-developed character and a desire to represent the people matter more. While no educational requirement exists for the proper use of power, moral character and ethical behavior are crucial. Many intelligent politicians have made morally dubious decisions.

Countries could enact laws requiring politicians to have at least basic education in political science. Another option is making political science courses mandatory before politicians take important positions. Implementing such criteria could keep uneducated individuals out of powerful positions, enhance the competence of politicians with unrelated degrees, and potentially improve overall political action.

However, it's worth reflecting on personal voting decisions and the factors influencing them.

Riddle me this.

Just as we wouldn't allow an unqualified teacher to educate our children or undergo surgery without a degreed doctor, why should we allow a non-certified politician lacking political knowledge lead our country?


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